Sunday, January 22, 2012

DOJ Rickrolls Anonymous, Gets Last Laugh about SOPA

In their latest most daring move, in light of the demise of SOPA and PIPA, the DOJ has continued "business as usual" and continues to shutdown sites acting as a "safe harbor" to pirated content.

While no one at the DOJ has publicly made any statement, no doubt many have simply been singing "Never gonna give you up, Anonymous!"

Anonymous has replied with many packet storms though Low Orbit Ion Cannon, a script kiddie tool which is used in place of any real hacking.  Let's face it, Anonymous is just not skilled enough to "run with the big dogs" and must resort to denial of service attacks causing a minor inconvenience for a poor intern who has been charged with maintaining the DOJ website.

After all, DDoSing web sites that no one ever visits because they're too boring is a SURE FIRE WAY to get people to notice your cause.  Right guys? Guys?

In other was shut down, and NOTHING OF VALUE WAS LOST.